I think my most informative experience was the Celebrating
Failure assignment. While there wasn’t much research involved in creating the
assignment it really does make you think about how you can accept and interpret
failure. Its something that everyone goes through, however depending on how you
take your failures will determine if you can be successful or not. I think the
thing I am most proud of accomplishing is the venture concept assignments and all
the attributing assignment that went along with it. This experience, I think,
encourages students to think outside the box and develop a real concept for a
potential business or venture. It makes you think about all the things that go
into a venture if one was to actually start up and do something with their
idea. While progressing through the course I believe that I have developed more
of an entrepreneurial mindset through the lectures as well as through the
assignments. I think that the assignments encourage students to think more like
entrepreneurs and see more opportunities in the real world. The recommendation
I would make to students who are going to journey down this path is to never
stop learning. While this course does a good job at introducing the principles
of entrepreneurship there is an endless amount of resources out there that will
help students learn more about in-depth parts of starting businesses and how to
become successful. To perform best in this course, I would say to keep up with
the assignments. While most aren’t difficult, if you wait until the last minute
you can definitely run out of time to turn them in. To further foster the mindset,
I would suggest getting out in the world and looking for opportunities where
things can be improved. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see ways to make
peoples lives easier, all you have to do is look hard enough and recognize opportunities.
Jones - ENT3003 Blog
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Venture Concept No. 2
My opportunity is to
take advantage of the large influx of people moving into Florida as well as the
rapidly growing metropolitan and downtown areas of Florida. The potential
customers that I imagine are young families that are looking to relocate to
more popular areas of cities where events are going on. However, these typical
customers also work in the area as well, allowing them to work and live without
having to travel as much to enjoy thing around their residence while also
having a short commute to work. The nature of this need is fairly basic. While
the basis of my idea is predicated around building and selling a quality
residence that supplies the basic need of shelter. The location is also
desirable by building in areas that people want to live in. The main driving
forces behind the large amount of people coming to Florida is due to climate,
beaches and other touristy spots, no state income tax and an abundance of jobs.
With these factors not likely to change anytime soon, it ensures that there
will likely be a continued growth in the population of Florida with a constant
supply of people moving into the state. Based on this, my window of opportunity
will stay open for the foreseeable future as long as Florida legislation and
tax law doesn’t change. Lastly, this opportunity has a huge potential to make
money, which it involves a large upstart and a lot of work it can be turned
into a very successful company as well as be able to expand to other real
estate markets.
The innovation, in
part, in what I am bringing into the market would be a company that not only builds
real estate, such as apartments and multi-family residential, but also sells
them without having to go through another party or company. This will allow us
to be able to supply desirable real estate at a lower cost without sacrificing
quality. In addition to this, by practicing the most modern and efficient
construction practices it will allow us to lower our building costs and allow
for more revenue. We can do this by implementing new construction technology
and with advances in construction coming out faster than ever before; if we can
stay on top of new practices and continually innovating our build process, it
will allow us to compete at the highest level. Secondly, our real estate sales
would be in direct conjunction with our projects. By also implementing the
latest in renderings and modeling, we will be able to pre-sell buildings while
they are under construction. In addition to this, by hosting events with
brokers and potential customers, this can help word spread fast about new
projects. We will make money through sales of apartments within our real estate
division as well as having the option to sell to investors to fund the project
and save ourselves capital. As far as how much money specifically, it would
vary widely. It could be anywhere from several hundred thousand for a building
sellout, up to millions of dollars. The amount of money being made is
directly proportional to the type of construction, the location, the
quality of the apartments and the overall size of the building.
Venture Concept
My innovation will
provide the quickly growing population of Florida with housing. By providing a
superior product for less money to the demographic of people moving into the
state it will make for a successful venture as well as one that has a
continuous source of new customers. The reason customers would use my company
is because we would be on the leading edge of real estate sales while also
creating unique, quality housing in desirable locations. Competitors would be
other construction companies as well as other real estate firms that focus on
selling similar types of properties. Their potential weakness is that they
either do one or the other, build or sell. My company would do both. Providing both
of our teams, sales and construction, with knowledge about our products. Price
point plays a huge role as we aim to price high quality housing for a lesser
price than currently available. The customer experience and business location
also play a huge role. The customer experience in building or buying a house
can be very stressful so by making this process as easy as possible as well as
providing options will help massively with customer relations. Lastly the
business location must be ideal since it is hard to build and sell in a
location far away from where the company is based.
I think my overall
most important resource would be my networks that I already have established in
my target area of Florida. This can be extremely helpful in finding
subcontractors, information, financing, potential employees and even just
general advice.
Second, my next idea
for the venture would be to develop entire areas, not just one building at a
time. By creating retail and office space in the areas that I am also building
apartment building can help me create desirable areas for my company to build
in. Instead of having to find areas that are popular, I would be creating the
entire popular area itself.
Third, what’s next for
me in five years I would like to have at least two building projects under
construction as well as one or two already complete and close to sell out. As
an entrepreneur I want to take what I’m good at and turn it into an entity that
has the ability to successfully redevelop and develop areas of cities that will
provide places for people to live work and enjoy. Most of the feedback for my
venture concept has been positive, I think the biggest feedback I have received
was that this would be a difficult company to start given that there are a lot
of start-up costs involved and other requirements to be a licensed contractor
as well as to sell real estate. In addition to this I received advice on what I
would need to obtain before starting this venture. One of the biggest things
was to ensure I have plenty of strong networks in the areas of investors,
subcontractors, contractors, real estate brokers as well as teams for operating
construction projects. This caused me to change from my originally idea by
targeting a more specific market segment and focus on two main areas of my
business, building and selling. What I also changed is that instead of trying
to develop commercially and build real estate, start with real estate and then
move on to other areas of development.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Reading Reflection 3
Elon Musk
I chose to read the biography about the life of Elon Musk.
He is one of the most popular entrepreneurs and inventors in the world and is
currently doing things that no one has done before. What surprised me the most was
to learn that Elon Musk was at the point financially where he would either have
to give up on SpaceX or Tesla. However, he was able to secure funding for both
companies just in time before he would have had to shut one down. What I most
admire about Elon Musk is that he is always thinking to the future. Even when
he was a student, he knew that he wanted to make a big difference in the world.
Additionally, he has constantly been making strides towards creating solutions
for the future of humanity, whether its electric cars to reduce oil dependency
or SpaceX to try and start commercial space travel, he is constantly looking to
bring futuristic ideas a reality now. What
I least admire about Musk is that he is a big talker. He does deliver on his promises,
but he does tend to talk about it a lot. In my personal experience I think that
it is better to move in silence and not let people know everything that you’re
doing. Elon Musk definitely encountered a lot of adversity and failure in his
time as an entrepreneur. Most famously, when SpaceX and Tesla were about to run
out of money. To overcome this he found investors, got a government grant and
kept moving forward. He didn’t let these challenges discourage him and defeat him,
he found solutions to make sure he was able to achieve his dreams.
One competency I noticed was that he finds a way to overcome
failure. Through his many ventures he finds a way to make them successful no
matter what. Whether is how to start the company or finding money just to keep
it afloat he gets it done. While he promises many big things, he finds a way to
accomplish them. Additionally, he has a strong vision for the future and is a
very forward thinker, making him very successful in his futuristic type
companies. The only confusing part to me was what actually inspired Elon Musk
to be some enamored with the future growing up. While his family was involved
in engineering and flight, I’m not sure where he came up with his inspiration
to ensure humanity is ready for the future.
If I could ask Elon Musk two questions, the first one would
be: How did you know where to get started? I would ask this because Elon Musk
has created such a massive empire of wealth and resources, it is truly impressive
what he was able to create. My second question would be: What was your
inspiration for SpaceX? SpaceX is one of the most future-forward company when
it pertains to space travel. I think that it would be interesting to see what caused
Elon Musk to pursue such a risky venture knowing that it could not be successful
and would cost a lot of money if it went under.
I think that Musk’s opinion of hard work is fairly simple:
do what inspires you and give it your all. The reason I say this is because this
is essentially what he does. He creates companies in fields he is passionate
about and puts everything into them. Even when he is unsure if he’ll be able to
keep the company from bankruptcy, he still does not give up on them and finds a
way to make it work. I share this opinion of hard work, as I believe that it is
very important to give a venture your all or else it won’t be successful. This
is exemplified by the past companies Musk has started as well as the ones that
he currently runs.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Exit Strategy
My exit strategy for my venture is to stick with it for
several decades and use it as a cash cow. What I envision is creating a company
that will provide substantial income for myself and my family while using my
income from it to invest into other businesses and other ventures. As I get
older I would like to hand over the company to someone else but still retain
majority ownership and have a large say in the company without being involved
in all the day-to-day processes so that I will be able to focus on other
ventures at the same time. Eventually I would like to be able to create
something I can pass down to my kids and provide them a means to make their way
in life.
I selected this exit strategy because I feel that it would
work best for my personality. I like to always keep moving forward, and while
this company revolves around something, I’m passionate about, I always like
having a new challenge. I think that by taking my income from this first
venture and putting it towards others is a great way for me to achieve this. Additionally,
I believe that after setting up a successful model I will be able to train
people and show them how to run the company successfully while providing me
with some time away from the company to focus on starting/managing others.
I think that my exit strategy has influenced me to set a
very lofty goal for my venture idea. By setting this exit strategy it
encourages me to grow the company for the first 20-30 years and make it
something great and then at a certain point, semi-retiring and focusing on
other ventures. I think, if anything, it has influenced me to want to grow the
company larger and expand more so than if I were only keeping it for a few
years. The reason I say this is because I’ll have ample time to grow the
company and there won’t be a need to rapidly grow and over-extend the reach of
my company. Furthermore, knowing that I will re-invest my income into other
ventures this encourages me even more to put my all into my venture concept.
Celebrating Failure
One time in this semester where I failed was in my
mechanical systems class. More specifically, it was our second exam in the
course. On our first exam I did very well, scoring a 97. In the time leading up
to Exam 2 I thought that it would be no problem to do well on it, so I
neglected studying until about 30min before the exam. However, this strategy
did not work out well at all, I knew very little when I took the exam and ended
up scoring a 52. While I still didn’t get the lowest grade in the class, I obviously
was not very happy after receiving this grade. What I learned from this was
that studying for the first time immediately before the exam is not a
successful strategy and if I want to do better, I would need to start studying
a day or two in advance.
I think that failure is very important and it the greatest
teacher. While failing is never fun and can be very embarrassing, its an
important thing to go through because you can learn so much from it. My friend,
Joe, from UNF has a saying that he says quite frequently: “you don’t learn from
success, you learn from failing and seeing the wrong way of doing things”. Whenever
I fail, I don’t necessarily get discouraged, I usually take time to reflect and
see what I did wrong. Depending on the scenario I’ll use this information going
forward and give it another try. But I don’t let it get me down, while it can
be defeating, if you keep your head up and keep moving forward no failure will
be able to defeat you. The most positive thing you can do after failing is to
find out where you went wrong or what you did wrong and ensuring you don’t do
it again. However, if you fail and don’t change what you’re doing or let it
keep you down then you won’t end up learning anything and it will be a waste of
a failure. I think this class has definitely changed my perspective on failure.
I would definitely be inclined to go out and try new things and take new risks
since no matter how it goes, I know I will take something away from it. Additionally,
I’ve learned that failure is ingrained into the nature of entrepreneurship and
there is nothing you can do to get away from it; you must learn to embrace it
and learn from it.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Venture Concept
My opportunity is the large influx of people moving into
Florida as well as the general metropolitan and downtown areas of fast-growing
Florida areas. The potential customers that I imagine are young families that
are looking to relocate to more popular areas of cities where events are going
on. However, these typical customers also work in the area as well, allowing
them to work and live without having to travel as much to enjoy thing around
their residence while also having a short commute to work. The nature of this
need is fairly basic. While the basis of my idea is predicated around building
and selling a quality residence that supplies the basic need of shelter. The
location is also desirable by building in areas that people want to live in.
The main driving forces behind the large amount of people coming to Florida is
due to climate, beaches and other touristy spots, no state income tax and an
abundance of jobs. With these factors not likely to change anytime soon, it ensures
that there will likely be a continued growth in the population of Florida with
a constant supply of people moving into the state. Based on this, my window of opportunity
will stay open for the foreseeable future as long as Florida legislation and tax
law doesn’t change. Lastly, this opportunity has a huge potential to make money,
which it involves a large upstart and a lot of work it can be turned into a very
successful company as well as be able to expand to other real estate markets.
The innovation, in part, in what I am bringing into the
market would be a company that not only builds real estate, such as apartments
and multi-family residential, but also sells them without having to go through
another party or company. This will allow us to be able to supply desirable real
estate at a lower cost without sacrificing quality. In addition to this, by
practicing the most modern and efficient construction practices it will allow us
to lower our building costs and allow for more revenue. We can do this by
implementing new construction technology and with advances in construction
coming out faster than ever before; if we can stay on top of new practices and
continually innovating our build process, it will allow us to compete at the
highest level. Secondly, our real estate sales would be in direct conjunction with
or projects. By also implementing the latest in renderings and modeling, we
will be able to pre-sell building while they are under construction. In addition
to this by hosting events with brokers and potential customers, this can help
word spread fast about new projects. We will make money through sales of
apartments within our construction as well as having the option to sell to
investors to fund the project and save ourselves capital. As far as how much
money specifically, it would vary widely. It could be anywhere from several hundred
thousand for a building sellout up to millions of dollars. The amount of money
being made is directionally proportional to the type of construction, the
location, the quality of the apartments and the overall size of the building.
Venture Concept
My innovation will provide the quickly growing population of
Florida with the problem of housing. By providing a superior product for less
money to the demographic of people moving into the state it will make for a successful
venture as well as one that has a continuous source of new customers. Reason
customers would use my company is because we would be on the leading edge of
real estate sales while also creating unique, quality housing in desirable locations.
Competitors would be other construction companies as well as other real estate
firms that focus on selling similar types of properties. Their potential
weakness is that they either do one or the other, build or sell. My company would
do both. Providing both teams, sales and construction, with knowledge about our
products. Price point plays a huge role as we aim to price high quality housing
for a lesser price than currently available. The customer experience and business
location also play a huge role. The customer experience in building or buying a
house can be very stressful so by making this process as easy as possible as
well as providing options will help massively with customer relations. Lastly the
business location must be ideal since it is hard to build and sell in a
location far away from where the company is based.
I think my overall most important resource would be my
networks that I already have established in my target area of Florida. This can
be extremely helpful in finding subcontractors, information, financing,
potential employees and even just general advice.
Second, my next idea for the venture would be to develop
entire areas, not just one building at a time. By creating retail and office
space in the areas that I am also building apartment building can help me
create desirable areas for my company to build in. Instead of having to find areas
that are popular, I would be creating the entire popular area itself.
Third, what’s next for me in five years I would like to have
at least two building projects under construction as well as one or two already
complete and close to sell out. As an entrepreneur I want to take what I’m good
at and turn it into an entity that has the ability to successfully redevelop and
develop areas of cities that will provide places for people to live work and
What's Next
What I think I would consider the next step for my venture
would ultimately be expanding my service and products to general commercial
development as well as residential in the form of subdivisions. The first
person I talked to, the VP of Construction at a residential builder said that they
believe that is the next step to take in a venture like what I have envisioned
but it is a big leap to take and requires many risks. But in the short term, he
advised that it would be smart to make the products and services as customer
friendly as possible. Whether it is the usability of a website, an app or
simply in-person service; all of these are keys to growing and maintaining a successful
business. Next, I talked to a superintendent that works for a commercial GC.
What he brought up was specifically pertinent to the construction side of my
venture. HE explained how finding the most efficient field teams can save large
amounts of money during construction by completing jobs on time and under
budget; providing larger revenues for the company. Additionally, he brought up
how the owner/investors of the building must be treated equally as a customer. The
third interview was with a real estate agent suggesting the idea of advertising
and holding touring events for upcoming real estate properties. This can be
done by open house events or even through the use of virtual reality for tours
of projects that aren’t completed.
After receiving this feedback, I believe that there are 2
main areas where my venture should focus. The first part of it is the marketing
and advertising part. By getting the word out about new and upcoming real
estate projects there can become excitement created about the project which
will encourage more interest in the project. In addition to this, hosting “open house” events
with brokers and customer this can provide sales as well as showing my real
estate projects to potential customers.
The second main focus area is the actual construction
process itself. By streamlining this process and doing it in the most efficient
manner can drastically increase revenues and decrease overhead costs on construction
projects. By completing projects sooner there
will be less fixed overhead cost as well typically being accompanied by some
form of bonus from the owner since they can start selling real estate sooner.
Additionally, projects completed with less money than was budgeted, the money left
over typically goes back into the contractor’s pocket.
A completely new market would be to create a venture in
track-home building. Track-homes are essentially “cookie-cutter” houses that
are in a neighborhood or subdivision is which nearly all houses look the same.
These houses are built en masse and are sold very quickly for low prices,
anywhere from low 100s to high 300s. I think the best way I would be able to
create value would be in the construction process itself. These houses are typically built very quickly
and by implementing more efficient building practices as well as an experienced
team, we would be able to be built faster than the average builder with higher quality.
After my first interview, a construction manger that builds track-homes, he
explained that it would be difficult, but my idea is possible. However, he
advised hiring construction mangers with experience specific to the types of
houses I would be building. My second interview was with an entrepreneur that
invests in real estate. His advice was that there is a lot of money to be made
in this venture given how quickly these types of houses are normally sold. Both
interviewees said that my product/service mix was appropriate for this type of
I think what surprised me the most was that my current
product/service mix was already appropriate for changing to such a distinctly
different market. While many of the same tactics would be used in the selling
and building process, they would just be targeted to a different demographic. About
half of my assumptions were correct. Originally, I think my idea was too long
term. However once realizing how many things there are to be improved in the
short term, it makes you realize that you can always be improving your idea.
This new market appears to be as attractive as the existing marketing
that I’m targeting. It provides a large cash flow, quick construction time as
well as very fast-paced business. However, given the nature of building
track-homes I would not change my venture in commercial real estate to peruse
one in much less valuable real estate/property. I believe that while my
original idea may need tweaking and reevaluation, I think that it has a high
potential of becoming successful if done correctly and with the right people.
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